How to Choose the Perfect Recruitment Management System

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Finding and reaching qualified candidates has become easy with the power of social media and online job boards. However, this has already intensified competition with hundreds of talented professionals applying for the same job.

Sorting resumes manually, scheduling interviews and evaluating candidates is simply not possible with the high volume of applications, and this is exactly where a human resources management system can help. With the right applicant tracking system, you can manage and streamline all recruitment processes and attract top talent.

But with thousands of recruitment tools, it can be difficult to narrow down what you really need to make your job easier. The idea is to first understand the basics of a recruitment management system to see which system can be perfectly tailored to your company's hiring goals.

The role of a Recruitment Management System

A recruitment management system consists of a set of tools designed to manage and automate the recruitment and talent acquisition operations of an organization.

You can use a recruitment system throughout the entire applicant selection process - from posting a job to resuming filtering, planning interviews, and training employees. By automating the recruitment process, you can reduce the workload on your HR team so that they can concentrate on their core tasks.

With the recruitment system you are able to :
  • Automatically publish job advertisements on multiple job posting platforms
  • Track the entire recruitment workflow from start to finish
  • Analyze funnel metrics to make the recruitment process more seamless
  • Offer new employees a better entry experience

The different types of recruitment

There is not only one way to attract and hire talent. In fact, the more ways you look, the better your chances of finding the right candidates for open positions.

There are two main types of recruitment:
  1. Internal recruitment

Recruiters try to fill the vacant posts internally through transfers or promotions. Whenever there is a new requirement, recruiters always try to check if it can be met internally before looking outside the company, as this saves time, money and effort.

Internal recruitment also helps to improve employee morale, as they can get better career opportunities without leaving the company.

2. External recruitment
When recruiting externally, HR managers look beyond the boundaries of the company in order to find new employees who perfectly match the job requirements and corporate culture.

External recruitment is a lengthy process that can take almost weeks to months to fill vacancies. It also involves a lot of time, money and effort to find new employees.

External recruitment can be fulfilled by

Job advertisements: Vacancies can be advertised on all popular job boards and even on the company's career site.
Recommendations: Some organizations have referral programs that allow employees to recommend their friends or former colleagues for open positions. Employees usually receive bonuses when the company hires the people they recommend.
Passive candidate search: Recruiters also create an internal talent pool of passive candidates who may be perfect for the position to be filled, but may not be actively looking for a job change.

The questions to be asked when selecting a recruitment management system

1- What are the functions you need?
Just because a recruitment software seems to have many features does not mean it is the right one for you. You need a solution that can meet all the recruitment needs of your business. That's why you should first list all the features you need from a recruitment solution and then do a trial run of available software options to see if it's right for your HR team.

2- Can your recruitment system scale as your business grows?
It can be difficult to predict where your company (and your talent pool) will stand after the next three or five years. It is therefore crucial to choose a recruitment system that can scale as your business grows, yet remain efficient.

3- Can the recruitment solution help improve your recruitment efforts?
It is not enough to simply implement a software solution for recruitment and hoping that it will make your recruitment process more efficient will not work. You need to choose HR software that will help you improve your hiring efforts and find better talent. Your HR team already knows what works and what doesn't for your company's recruitment strategy, so it's best to choose software that can support your existing recruitment best practices.

Benefits of using a Recruitment Management System

Improved productivity

Traditional paper-based recruitment methods required recruiters to manually process everything, which reduced productivity and even led to more human error. A recruitment system can increase productivity and make the whole process more efficient by giving recruiters access to all the data relevant to recruitment from a single platform.

Better communication

When it comes to recruitment, it is important to maintain a fast response time with your HR team and also with potential candidates. If you delay communication too long, you may end up losing candidates altogether. With a recruitment system you can work with your team and keep the candidates up to date.

Optimized candidate data

Reviewing candidates' CVs and storing their information in a structured and easily searchable way is incredibly time-consuming when done manually. With a recruitment system it is possible to automatically retrieve candidate data and filter it according to your needs.


More than 59 percent of recruiters state that they are short of manpower and that they are always under time pressure. Recruitment systems help to solve this problem by automating manual and tedious recruitment tasks such as job posting, interview planning and CV review.

Why offer your new employees a great entry experience

Most companies underestimate the importance of the onboarding process when hiring new employees. Over 22 percent of companies do not even have a formal onboarding program, and 40 percent of companies have only partially successful onboarding processes.

Without successful onboarding experience, it can take up to eight to twelve months for new hires to reach optimal productivity levels. In fact, your new employees may end up being less productive and more disconnected from the rest of the team.

On the other hand, effective onboarding processes can help new employees become more familiar with their older colleagues who have been with the company for a long time. This in turn helps improve their productivity and leads to better results for the company.

The right people management system makes the difference

It is important to remember that the right recruitment management system for your company is the one that is perfectly suited to your hiring needs and objectives.

The Recruitment Management Module of Aqui Team enables organizations to streamline and automate the entire hiring process and find better talent.

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