The Biggest Recruitment Problems

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No matter how sophisticated your recruiting strategy is, there are these inevitable, recurring challenges that every recruiter faces. Below are some of the most common recruiting issues faced by talent acquisition teams and how they can be solved once and for all.

You don't know which recruitment marketing efforts result in the highest ROI... or any ROI

Solution: Use data-driven performance metrics to measure campus and diversity conferences that lead to the highest ROI. Recruitment marketing software tracks the number of hires and total spend per recruitment marketing effort, such as career fairs, so you can provide solid evidence to justify the cost. This is the best way to allocate your time and marketing spend to the most profitable events.

Hunt for recruitment managers for post-interview feedback

Solution: Obtaining interviewer feedback can be a time-consuming, inefficient process. Late interviewer feedback can even result in top talent being lost to a competing job offer, costing the hiring process time and money. Collect interviewer feedback via mobile or web-based evaluation forms in near real-time If you're a campus recruiter, maximize the productivity of your career fair and send a full event report to the hiring managers, even during your event.

Candidates accept other offers... in the middle of an interview with your company

Solution: Communicate early and frequently with the candidates. Reduce the risk of losing top talent to rapidly changing organizations by ensuring a timely and collaborative candidate communication strategy. Set targets for candidate response times, such as 24 hours for new applications, to hold each team member accountable. Integrate more touch points into the interview lifecycle by automatically sending reminders to candidates and interviewers before scheduled interviews

Planning interviews that suit everyone is the curse of your existence

Solution: Coordinating the busy, ever-changing schedules of both candidates and the application team is a universal pain point for recruiters. Scheduling software can greatly streamline complications and eliminate the pressure associated with limited meeting availability by shifting some of the responsibility back to the interviewer. Invest in software for scheduling on-site interviews at events. Provide a self-service platform that allows applicants to choose the interview slots that best fit their schedule and reschedule interviews without disturbing your staff.

Your frequently flying management and sales team is never in the office long enough to conduct personal interviews

Solution: Create an "always-on" interview culture. Eliminate the need for the physical limitations of an onsite interview and use video interview software to schedule personal interviews anytime, anywhere.

Your schedule is full of hiring conferences, but you barely find time to actually review the resumes you receive at the events

Solution: Use mobile recruiting apps to capture applicant information and resumes at career fairs, diversity conferences or classroom presentations. You can eliminate the need to review resumes on paper and evaluate candidate information at any point on a phone or tablet without having to sit in front of a computer or sift through stacks of paper for hours. Turn your tablet, mobile or Windows device into an extension of your stationary workspace by using mobile apps like Yello's Collect and Convenience Apps.

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