The Top 8 Advantages of an HRIS applicant tracking system for an HR team

If you use an HRIS system to track applicants, you can store, manage, and share all the information you have on an employee in the same place.

From helping your department determine hiring needs, to tracking employee induction and training, to promotions, leadership and succession planning, a powerful ATS captures the entire history of an employee within your organization.

Because talent is the most important asset a company can ever have, this intuitive and comprehensive tracking process can have many far-reaching benefits for your organization.

Here are the eight biggest benefits of implementing an HRIS applicant tracking system like AquiTeam Recruitment Management System:


It helps you to streamline your recruitment process: Recruiting, interviewing, hiring and training new employees can be an expensive and stressful process in the best of situations. An ATS or integrated talent management system streamlines the process by identifying talent gaps in your organization, anticipating the types of positions your organization needs to fill, simplifying the job posting process, and automatically sorting and filtering applications to find the best prospects. AquiTeam can even help with interview planning, reducing much of the headaches normally associated with recruiting and screening new candidates.


It helps to track the performance of the employees: Once you've recruited and hired your talents, you should never lose sight of their progress. A strategic human resources management program like AquiTeam helps monitor and evaluate the performance of all employees, making it easier for managers to praise employees for a job well done while identifying opportunities for improvement. Retain your talent by using performance metrics to set goals, or keep them motivated by arranging compensation increases and bonuses if those goals are met. These processing strategies will help your employees feel valued, fulfilled and challenged in the workplace - all factors that are important for long-term talent retention.

Employee Development

It helps you develop your employees: if you push your employees to achieve new performance goals, this is one way to motivate them. Another way is to encourage career growth, development and training within your organisation. AquiTeam can help you identify core skills and competencies that, if developed, would benefit both your organisation's employees and the bottom line of your business. In return, the system helps employees to plan courses, certifications, conferences and other educational opportunities to support their long-term professional development.

Succession Planning

It helps you with succession planning: When you hire new employees for the first time, you may not think about their potential for management or leadership positions. But organisations are constantly evolving organisms, and today's new hire could well be tomorrow's CEO. Recruitment software helps you track talent in your organization and identify candidates for leadership positions. Succession planning means planning for the future of your business, which is critical to long-term growth, success and sustainability.

HR Administration

It simplifies administrative tasks: Human resources departments are constantly inundated with payroll problems, requests for leave and leave of absence, processing expense and benefit claims, and a host of other minor administrative tasks. AquiTeam not only helps your department manage the talent management process, but also provides tools to track payroll, vacation time, expenses, benefits, overtime, planning and attendance of each employee - all in one place. In short, this ATS streamlines the entire HR management process and gives your department more time to focus on longer-term strategic planning.

Access to HRMS everywhere

It's accessible from anywhere: One of the problems with maintaining a disorganized mess of employee files in physical form is that you need to be in the office to review the information. With AquiTeam recruitment software, you can access information about your employees from any location - be it a laptop or mobile device. This mobile accessibility helps you make quick and informed decisions about hiring, promotions, succession, salary increases and much more without being in the office.

Employee retention

It reduces employee turnover: employee turnover is not cheap. The cost of hiring, interviewing and training is considerable - all before you even think about productivity losses, declining morale and thinning your succession pool. By helping your organisation manage its human capital, increase employee engagement and foster career development and growth, AquiTeam facilitates the development of a superior culture - which in turn reduces employee turnover and associated costs.


It helps managers and executives to objectively assess their own performance: A strong piece of HR software provides continuous performance metrics not only for lower level employees, but also for managers and executives. AquiTeam provides tools that help managers within your organisation to receive feedback on their performance from colleagues and subordinates alike. This anonymous process gives managers the information they need to improve their leadership and organization from top to bottom.

When implemented correctly, an HRIS applicant tracking system can increase the efficiency of your HR department and improve your organization's talent management strategies at every level. Both of these factors can have a significant impact on the growth and revenue of the organization and will provide rewards that go far beyond what you invest in purchasing and setting up your integrated talent management system. Click here to learn more about AquiTeam recruitment software and the benefits it can bring to your business.