Top 7 Recruitment Marketing Advantages

I think it is safe to say that personnel marketing is not a fad.

Companies all over the world not only benefit enormously from successful personnel marketing, but it also contributes to significant improvements for candidates and their experience with your company.

Today we wanted to highlight some of the key benefits your company can expect when pursuing a recruitment marketing strategy.

Strategic orientation

Recruitment marketing helps you play the long game.

There is one major strategic component: you are looking for candidates who could have a "10x" impact in your organization, not just those who are immediately available. There is an increased focus on passive candidates, and success depends on carefully building personalities of the type of people who "fit" your organization.

These candidates may or may not be hired in the future. In any case, they should be of sufficiently high quality so that your company will benefit from building relationships with them.


Since metrics such as hiring time or start time are critical to evaluating hiring teams, it is important to be able to act quickly.

Once recruitment marketing programs are in place and you have begun to build a pipeline of candidates that fit well with your company, you should expect accelerated processes in all areas. For example, your team will never have to start from scratch - there will always be a pool of dedicated candidates to turn to for new opportunities.

Better candidate experience

The relationship between your company and an applicant does not begin with a "click" on the application, but with the first meeting with your company. In this "pre-application" phase, the candidate's experience is incredibly important. This is the time when people evaluate your company, this is the time when they decide whether to apply or not.

Personnel Marketing gives you the opportunity to personalize the content and communication that employees receive during this phase of the process. Each point of contact can be customized based on "who" the candidate is, their commitment and their relationship with you. For companies that care about the experience of candidates, personnel marketing is a breeze.

Stronger employer branding

"I am surprised how few companies have a really good message that gets to the heart of the company's mission and why it is exciting to work there and be a part of it". - Todd Raphael, Editor-in-Chief at ERE

People do not turn to companies, people turn to brands. They are looking for a common ground, an idea or a mission statement that they share with their organization. It's hardly surprising, therefore, that 55% of talented leaders consider employer branding a top investment priority in 2017.

The way you project and market your brand is extremely important. To be successful, you need to use the right content on your career site, the right promotional campaigns and the right kind of messages about your EVP. To do this on a large scale and in a measurable way, you need personnel marketing.

Lower hiring costs

How much of the money you currently spend on talent recruitment is wasted? We're not just talking about spending on job boards or agencies, think about events, graduate programs, your career site, anything that serves to create brand awareness and generate applications.

What is the answer? It's pretty hard to track. In fact, it reminds you of the old saying about advertising by John Wanamaker - "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the problem is, I don't know which half!

The right recruitment marketing platform not only helps you track the effectiveness of different campaigns to generate the pipeline, it also helps you prioritize the best investments of your time and resources.

We should also remember that just having a pipeline or talent pool to fall back on will reduce many costs - if you can find relevant candidates in your database, you don't need agencies and ads.

Improved candidate quality

When it comes to attracting talent, quality always outweighs quantity.

However, the problem that many organizations are currently facing is that the quality candidates who actually visit their website and search through their vacancies do not apply. These people are not necessarily willing to jump through the hurdles of an application process - they may be willing to learn more about your company, but they are not "ready to apply".

Building a talent network to convert some of these candidates into leads can be a great asset to your company. It should not be overestimated how difficult it is to attract people to your website. There is no guarantee that they will come back, so you need to do everything you can to convert them while they are there.

But for this strategy to really work, you need to think carefully about what happens next. How do you nurture these candidates and guide them through your funnel to an application? If you can crack this code, you will see some very special results.

Increased diversity

There is a lot of data that proves that different teams are more effective. For example, McKinsey research shows that teams separated by gender are 15% more likely to perform better, while teams with ethnic diversity are 35% more effective.

However, the challenge for companies is to attract employees who meet their diversity needs - this was ranked as the number one pain point in our recent diversity status report.

HR marketing helps companies be much more proactive in treating the talent individuals they are looking for. Whether through events, pipelining, content or talent networks, recruiters have the tools they need to attract the right candidates more effectively.

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