Why Most Companies Make Poor Recruitment & How to Avoid them

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Companies make hiring mistakes that lead to hiring the wrong person

It is no secret that an undifferentiated hiring process can cost an organization thousands or even millions of dollars annually. Moreover, according to the Harvard Business Review, up to 80% of employee turnover is due to poor hiring decisions.

The good news is that you're not alone if you've made some poor hiring decisions in recent months.

According to a Brandon-Hall research report commissioned by Glassdoor, an astonishing 95% of employers surveyed admitted to making mistakes in hiring every year by recruiting the wrong people.

The cost of making mistakes in hiring

The study's researchers pointed out that while many organizations have accurate figures on the costs associated with hiring a new employee, few of the companies surveyed (30 percent) were aware of the costs of poor hiring once they crossed the threshold.

According to the survey, poor hiring produces less quality work than high-performing employees and delays corporate goals. In addition, poor hiring is more likely to lead to premature departure from the company or cause other employees to leave. Team dynamics are also affected when certain individuals fail to perform; according to the study, poor performers who stay also affect the performance and commitment of their colleagues.

5 Mistakes in the talent selection process that lead to wrong appointments and how to avoid them:

When it comes to recruiting top talent, there are as many strategies as companies looking for quality hires. As competition expands on a global scale, many recruiters are left without a solid selection process to fill vacancies that meet the needs of the business.

However, the lack of a consistent strategy can tear holes in your hiring process and lead to an influx of less than ideal employees. The survey identified five common areas where errors occur in the hiring process (and how to fix them).

The interview process is not standardized

When it comes to hiring the wrong employee, the missteps start at the job interview. In fact, 69 percent of the companies surveyed believed that the interview process has the greatest impact on the quality of hiring. In addition, companies without a standardized selection process are five times more likely to hire the wrong person prior to hiring.

To eliminate the cost of poor hiring, a standardized interview process and a standardized recruiting approach is required. Your recruitment team needs the right tools to evaluate candidates.  According to the study, 60 percent of companies that use best practice interviewing guidelines have an optimized recruitment strategy that is aligned with corporate goals. Only 10 percent of companies surveyed without specific interview guidelines could say the same.

The employer brand is weak

The employer brand, as defined in the study, is a measure of the viability of a company's value proposition to its employees.

In today's talent pool, candidates will look for a company where they feel comfortable working for. From your company's social media postings to the language you use in your job postings, candidates will use all this information to determine whether or not your company is one they want to work for.

Paying close attention to the management, perception and communication of your company's brand is critical to building and maintaining a positive image. Even candidates who are not hired should be treated as well as those who are hired.

The recruitment experience of candidates is not optimized or mobile friendly
In today's recruiting climate, candidates not only expect companies to treat them like their clients, they also expect the pre-recruitment process to be quick and easy. Therefore, it is a must to have the ability to handle the pre-recruitment process via cell phone as much as possible.

Only seven percent of the companies surveyed used social media in their recruiting process, and well over half (58 percent) of the companies surveyed did not use their cell phones for talent acquisition.

Companies that have optimized every point of interaction between the company and candidates said that the overall quality of recruitment has increased by 70 percent, and there are several ways to measure the experience of your candidates once you've taken the time to develop a method that's unique to your company.

It is not enough to invest in the on-boarding process

Once a candidate is hired, the induction process has a major impact on whether he or she decides to stay with the company, the survey found.

Companies that fail to implement a consistent on-boarding process and socialize new hires into the corporate culture experience poorer performance, poorer retention and lower commitment.

When it comes to hiring, it takes more than a few introductions and a to-do list to get an employee properly on board. New hiring advice in the form of mentoring, social programs designed to help new hires build networks within the company, and advanced technology learning tools can influence a high-potential employee's decision to stay after a year or even 90 days.

There is a lack of data in the selection process before recruitment

Only 5 percent of the organizations surveyed evaluated candidates during the sourcing/screening process.

As recruitment and hiring processes become increasingly complex, organizations need qualitative data to make informed talent decisions. Half of respondents said they evaluated candidates after they were hired, while 32 percent said they evaluated candidates during the interview process.

The researchers' recommendations? Evaluate early and frequently.

Candidates' abilities, skills and motivations are diverse. A company's ability to understand and adapt to the ups and downs of the hiring environment and process reduces the likelihood of making poor hiring decisions. Qualitative data from pre-recruitment assessments provides an objective view of candidates and has a greater impact on the quality of hiring than interviews, employer branding and induction.

Talent selection tools can help provide information to determine whether or not a candidate has skills, abilities and motivations that match the company culture. In essence, assessments help determine whether a candidate is ultimately a high quality candidate.

This, the survey participants reported, is more critical overall than commitment or retention.

While no company has a hiring process that aims for poor hiring, there are many hiring complexities both inside and outside a company, including the job market, corporate culture, technology and management. Pre-recruitment assessments allow you to overcome challenges in your hiring process so that your organization can make critical talent selection decisions quickly and efficiently.

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